Yoga styles

At AUM Yoga Vietnam we offer several styles of yoga. All classes are suitable for beginners as well as advanced yoga practitioners, as individual modifications will be given throughout the class.

If you are not sure which yoga style is suitable for you, feel free to contact us.

Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga is the most traditional style of yoga. “HA” means the Sun and “THA” means the Moon, each symbolizes important qualities. In Hatha Yoga we're balancing both sides of the body and the mind. A Hatha practice includes a short meditation or breathing exercises, a warm up, sun salutations and basic yoga poses, that can be modified for every level of experience.

Vinyasa Yoga

Vinyasa means flow. In Vinyasa Flow, we connect our body and mind with our breath. We move from pose to pose with our breath - One movement, one breath. Vinyasa is most of the time a sequence of minimum 5 to 15 postures, connected in a flow which helps us to keeps the mind busy. A Vinyasa is energising for body and mind, builds strength and flexibility and leaves you refreshed yet relaxed.

Ashtanga Yoga

Ashtanga Yoga was founded by K.Patta Bhai Jois around 1970. After he had practiced the traditional Hatha Yoga for a long time, he created an intense sequence of poses which is known today as Ashtanga Yoga. As practiced in Vinyasa yoga, we combine movement and breath. Ashtanga Yoga is an intense practice which gives students the chance to improve strength and flexibility.

Restorative Yoga

A restorative yoga practice contains very few movements. We'll be relaxing our whole body in the poses, to calm the body, breath and mind. You can compare it to a deep meditation, cultivating awareness and calmness, similar to yin yoga. In restorative yoga, we use many props like bolsters, blankets, blocks etc to allow the body and mind to fully relax, releasing any energies that no longer serve you.

Yin Yoga

In Yin Yoga we're targeting the energy channels of our body, so Prana (Chi or energy) can flow. We're increasing mobility in our joints and ligaments, and calm our mind. We're stretching and strengthening not the muscles but our connective tissue by relaxing fully into the pose. Practicing yin allows you to relax your mind and release any tension. It’s a deep mental exercise in stillness, similar to a meditation.

Atha yoganusasanam

This is the first of Patanjali’s The Yoga Sutras.

It can be translated in the following way:

atha means NOW, not tomorrow, not later
yoga means YOGA and

Patanjali emphasizes the necessity of emerging oneself in karma yoga, bhakti yoga and other systems like connections, which lead a person to be pure in mind and lead a life full of awareness.

So, atha yoganusasanam = “Now yoga will begin” or “Let’s practice yoga now!”